Port of Antwerp scores 7th record year in a row

- Strong basis for future economic success - Clear choices in favour of sustainability

In 2019 Port of Antwerp scored strong growth for the seventh year in a row, with the freight volume up 1.3% to 238 million tonnes. Although some segments are clearly under pressure due to economic reasons the port is making progress overall. But this progress is not just economic: in social terms the port is also making clear steps in favour of sustainability and mobility.

Growth Figures in 2019
In 2019 Port of Antwerp developed further as a major international port. Despite increasing tension in world trade it achieved strong growth this year once more in terms of total freight volume. Container freight in particular gained market share (up from 27.5% to 28.2%), while the dry bulk segment for its part saw its total volume expand by 3.4%. In breakbulk on the other hand, with steel as the main product, the consequences of turbulence in world were clearly felt, resulting in an overall contraction of 13%. In the liquid bulk segment too the volume was down, by 4.4%, due mainly to the slowdown in economic growth and fluctuations in oil prices.

Launching Ramp towards the future
In 2019 a strong foundation was laid for the future success of Port of Antwerp and the economic activity with which it is closely linked, with large investments being announced in the chemical and logistics sectors. In addition to a record investment of 3 billion euros by INEOS in the Antwerp chemical cluster, this year also saw work starting on the ECLUSE steam distribution network. In addition ExxonMobil's Delayed Coker Unit went into operation, and there were other investments by players such as BASF, Borealis and Standic.

Emphasis on Sustainbility

Port of Antwerp CEO Jacques Vandermeiren explained: "We are using the technology and expertise that we have in the port to smooth the path towards becoming a carbon-neutral port. We are striving for a multi-fuel port where various sustainable fuels are available beside one another. In the near future we'll be experimenting with tugs powered by sustainable methanol hydrogen. Other interesting avenues that we are exploring are Carbon Capture & Utilisation and Carbon Capture & Storage, along with ways of re-using carbon in circular processes. It is our ambition to make the sustainable transition a reality, and Port of Antwerp has a pioneering role to play here."

Further efforrts towards better Mobility
Port of Antwerp continues to put great efforts into improving mobility, by more efficient consolidation of freight traffic, further digitisation of the port infrastructure and coordinated management of rail infrastructure.

"A growing port is a port in motion, and we aim to further extend the modal shift in future. Last year 24 million tonnes of freight was carried by rail. That's 7% of the total freight volume. We aim to double this to 15% by 2030. Pipelines too have an increasingly important role to play," Jacques Vandermeiren concluded.


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About Port of Antwerp-Bruges

With an overall throughput of 278 million tonnes per year, Port of Antwerp-Bruges is a critical hub in worldwide trade and industry. The port is a crucial link for the handling of containers, breakbulk and for the throughput of vehicles. Port of Antwerp-Bruges is home to 1,400 companies and accommodates the largest integrated chemical cluster in Europe. The port provides, directly and indirectly, a total of around 164,000 jobs and generates an added value of 21 billion euros.
The ambition for Port of Antwerp-Bruges is clear - to become the world's first port that reconciles economy, people and climate. As well as growing in a sustainable way, the Port also aims to focus on its unique position as a logistics, maritime and industrial centre and to take the lead in the transition to a circular and low-carbon economy. Together with the port community, customers and other partners, Port of Antwerp-Bruges is actively seeking innovative solutions for a sustainable future. High on the agenda is its responsibility for the environment and the surrounding society. 

The port sites of Antwerp and Zeebrugge are operated by the Antwerp-Bruges Port Authority, a limited liability company of public law with the City of Antwerp and the City of Bruges as its shareholders. The port employs 1,800 people. Johan Klaps is Vice-Mayor of the City of Antwerp and the Mayor of Bruges Dirk De fauw is the Vice-President of the Board of Directors of Port of Antwerp-Bruges. Jacques Vandermeiren is CEO and President of the Executive Committee, which is responsible for the port’s day-to-day management. 


The telephone number +32 492 15 41 39 is only for press inquiries. For other questions you can mail to communicatie@portofantwerpbruges.com


Havenhuis Zaha Hadidplein 1 2030 Antwerp Belgium

+32 492 15 41 39

