Certified Pick up phased live from 15 January
After consultation with terminals, ship agents, transport companies and other stakeholders, it was jointly decided to move to a phased roll-out of Certified Pick up, to spread the pressure for the users and to guarantee the performance of the system. Some shipping agents are switching to container pick up via CPu at certain terminals, as planned, on 15 January. Others will follow shortly after.
The exceptional rush on the platform in recent days led to the elaboration of a phased approach. From 15 January, part of the container volumes will have to be collected via Certified Pick up as planned. For the shipping company/terminal combinations for which CPu is not yet live, the transport company must follow the ship agent and terminal's guidelines.
The next phases in this launch will follow soon and will be announced via the news section of certifiedpickup.eu.
It remains very important that all parties involved register on the Cpu platform as soon as possible. First Release Parties (forwarder, consignee or cargo stakeholder) must accept containers and pass on the release right. Transport Operators must accept the release right and link the truck driver's Alfapass or company identity to the containers. Customs must also give the green light. The container can then be picked up based on (company) identity.
General overview shipping agents/terminals

Note: indicative timings regarding phase 2 and 3
Not listed companies will follow in week 5.
About CPu
Certified Pick up is a neutral and central data platform for container release and pick up that replaces the current system of pin codes. Containers leaving the Port of Antwerp via barge, train or truck are picked up after release in Certified Pick up and after the identity of the transport operator is known. Moreover, a container can only leave the terminal when Customs also gives the green light. The platform brings transparency by providing real-time insight into the status of the container. Administrative processes are much simpler, employees work more safely and transport can be better planned. In this way, Certified Pick up guarantees safer, more transparent and more efficient container transport.
More information: https://www.certifiedpickup.eu/